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Divya Chandroth

Self-respect or ego, know the difference?

Source: Wix

Self-respect and ego, two words that seemingly look interchangeable are often widely confused. We wonder if sometimes someone is acting out of self-respect or out of their super-inflated ego. It is easy to get confused between both. In simple terms, self-respect stems from believing in oneself, whereas ego develops from having a false sense of being better than others in everything. 

A realistic understanding of strengths and weaknesses forms the basis of a person with self-respect. It helps in the emotional well-being of a person and develops confidence. Self-respect helps in the growth of an individual and values everyone without the need to underpin or judge others. Self-respect makes us learn from our experiences and those around us. People with self-respect know to draw boundaries, stand up for their beliefs, and are ready to compromise while building relationships. 

Now, where does ego begin? Insecurity and self-doubt are the main reasons for self-inflated ego development. It causes people to often compare themselves with others instead of understanding that everyone is unique. It causes a lot of resentment for others and gets gratification by putting others down.

Egoistic people enjoy controlling others and often believe that only what they think is correct. It leads to troubles in any relationship, be it personal or professional. People with over-inflated egos tend to over-criticize others for not doing things their way. Whatever others do will never be good enough for them. Belittling others makes them feel superior. Judgement and passing unwanted comments will soon become their way of life, and slowly they will not be able to open to new ideas. It is just a matter of time before their growth comes to standstill.

Let us look into how we can foster self-respect and not let ego destroy our life and relationships as below:-

  • Know your identity without the need to compare it with anyone else.

  • Know that everyone has their sense of right and wrong and does not need to do everything in your manner.

  • Prioritize relationships over the need to be right in every argument.

  • Good communication based on empathy and respect should be a priority.

  • Practice gratitude towards others around you.

  • Try to offer words of encouragement whenever possible.

  • Offer help without expecting anything in return.

  • If things do not work as planned, refrain from pointing fingers. Instead, make it an opportunity to learn from it and grow.

  • Not everything is about you. Try to see from others' point of view.

  • Be honest with yourself and others.

  • Understand that change makes you grow, and always be open to new ideas.

Self-respect and confidence will always take you to greater heights, whereas ego will pull you down. So, do you want to rise or be pulled down? The choice is yours! 

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